Dr.-Ing. Martin Wehr

- since 10/2017: ROTEC GmbH, Stuttgart
- development of rope inspection devices
- damage analysis on ropes and rope drives
- Rope Inspections
- Ropeway testing and acceptance
- Trainings & Seminars
- 05/2017: PhD in engineering ” A contribution to the investigation of high-strength synthetic fiber ropes under highly dynamic loading”.
- 02/2011 – 09/2017: Research assistant at the Institute for Materials Handling and Logistics (IFT) at the University of Stuttgart, Department of Rope Technology:
- development of rope inspection devices
- Rope Inspections
- damage analysis on ropes and rope drives
- Ropeway testing and acceptance
- Trainings & Seminars
- seit 11/2013: Regular technical supervision inspection of ropeway installations
- seit 10/2012: Testing and monitoring activities during acceptance of new ropeway installations
- seit 08/2012: Recognized expert for mountain ropeways and ski lifts (Bavaria)
- 03/2010 – 07/2010: Technical internship at ThyssenKrupp Elevators in Neuhausen a.d.F.
- 10/2005 – 02/2011: Studies in General Mechanical Engineering, University of Stuttgart